Deepassionate1 Speaks![]() Everyday we ingest and digest food into our bodies that determine whether or not our bodies will be healthy, but what about the food that we take in for our minds and spirits? Is our daily intake a balanced one? 🤔 Or are we digesting empty calories? How is our daily menu affecting our mind, body and spirit? God woke me up at 3am and had me reflecting on the above questions. I am guilty of consuming many empty calories. In the midst of my promises to myself, I still find myself doing things that are not benefiting my mind, body or my spirit. What is it going to take for me to understand that "man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." I know God is speaking to me, I feel it deep inside and yet the struggle between my ego and my spirit continues daily. Where is your nutrition for your life coming from? For the next 24 hours I want you to record your daily activities. After completing it, spend some time with your list. Reflect on which part of your life is being fed and whether or not it is a nutritional meal for your mind, body and spirit. Explore the books, movies, people and things that you are dining with daily and really put your life into perspective. Questions of the dayIs your daily intake supporting a balanced life with Jesus Christ? Is your life in need of a detox? If so which area? Mind? Body? Spirit? What needs to be added? What needs to be taken out? What can you promise yourself today that you are willing to do to ensure that you realign your mind, body and spirit with the will of God? Remember if you are not feeding your mind, body or spirit, you are probably feeding your EGO & an obese EGO will kill your soul and destroy your God-ordained purpose here on earth.Inspire Yourself...
Deepassionate1 Speaks![]() Happy New Year Passion Filled Family! I know it's been a while since I blogged. I've been feeling this entry in my spirit for a while now. The fact is I didn't want to release it prematurely. The title is so fitting because I am truly waiting on the manifestation of God in certain areas of my life. Don't give me wrong, God's essence and presence is flowing daily in my life, however there are some hidden heart desires that I am waiting to see Him bring forward according to His will. God is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him and I believe that He wants us to step into the fullness of who we are and who He created us to be. So what does that mean exactly? It means that you have to put yourself after God. God comes first and you are next it line for your T.E.A. (Time, Energy & Attention). It is your time to be FULL! Not full of yourself, but full with His Holy Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self Control) so that you will be able to attend effectively to the people who are assigned to you during this season of your life. Yes you heard me correctly. People are assigned to you and when the assignment is over, they may no longer be in your life (topic for another blog entry). I know it seems hard, but you can do hard things! How can you put yourself first before your loved ones, friends or career? Over the past few months God has been teaching the importance of Benevolent Detachment, the ability and wiliness to release everything and everyone back to him. He knows the plans that He has for us and our loved ones so it's ok to let go and trust Him. Letting go isn't easy! However, if we hold on too tightly, we won't be able to receive all the goodness that God has for us. 90 Days of promises... On January 1, 2021, I began my 49th Writer's Notebook and in it, I created a table filled with promises for my mind, body and spirit. Over the next few weeks, I will be documenting and sharing different aspect of this journey with the hope that you will be inspired to make and to keep some promises for yourself too. Inspire yourself!!!My 49th Writer's Notebook |
February 2025
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