9/29/2018 0 Comments When Art Inspires ArtDeepassionte1 SpeaksAs a poet, I always find myself searching for inspiration and a way to turn life's pain into passion. I usually find my inspiration for writing from something that is flowing from my life, but sometimes it is beneficial to take the time to admire the art that is being displayed around you too. After my daily scroll through Instagram, I came across an artist whose art pulled me in and demanded my attention. @patriciasparksart art speaks to the soul and it invites you to examine the art in a way that pushes you to create your own art. This is a perfect example of Art inspiring Art. After reaching out to Patricia I received her permission to create a poem for the piece that you see above. The following poem is my tribute to her work. I hope you enjoy it. Please follow her on Instagram and you too will be inspired to create your own art. "Seek the art within and display in for the world to see it and marvel over it."EncryptionEncryption and your access in denied
My life is shut tightly while my pain leaks from inside My mystery I can no longer hide Blisters transforming into the reasons why I cry Bloodshed and bloodshot eyes painted unto my canvas Colors brought to life while my brothers die Encrypted as my tongue is taught to lie about the truth that I must face before the day I die... Deepassionate1
Deepassionate1 speaks#s, Followers, To post or not to post? Who is going to show up? Who will support you? If only you could stop the hands of time? Are you doing the right thing? "Patience", who's that? LOL. All of this and more constipating the mind. If only we could get out of my heads and into our toolbox, we will find that we already have what we need to succeed. Now that my Better Over Bitter Launch is over, I find myself wrestling again with my patience and purpose that I know lives inside of me. There are so many things that I desire to get done, but I am learning that timing isn't everything. The timing may be perfect, but because we are stuck in our head, we get distracted by the things that are out of control instead of working on the things that we have the power to bring forth. As I prepare to enter into a writing season with Passion Filled Writers, I have to let go of my expectations of who will show up. I must trust God enough to know that He knows who needs to be there. I must continue to pray and push, but also prepare and be ready to receive who will accompany me on this next journey. Questions of the dayAre you stuck in your head or are you working out of your toolbox to produce the type of life that will be fruitful for you and others? What do you have in your toolbox right now that will take you to the next level of your life? Is it something that you are willing to share? Self WorkDraw your toolbox and fill it with the things that you need to support yourself and the purpose that you were created to execute!!!
It's time to write!It's time to set aside some time for you to release your thoughts into your
Writer's Notebook. Save the dates and come out and write with me! 9/19/2018 0 Comments Life Goes On!!!Deepassionate1 SpeaksThere are days like today when I am hit by my emotions and I enter into a dark space, momentarily before the light finds me and guides me back home. On today's journey home, I was reminded that life goes on whether or not I choose to participate fully in it. I was also reminded that I can't change the heart of a man or woman for that matter, I can't even change some of the circumstances that come my way, but one thing I can change is how I choose to respond to my situations and the people who enter into my space on a daily basis. As one of my poem states, "Crying is overrated and it leaves my eyes puffy." So the next time I'm greeted by the darkness, I am going to shine my own light on it and remind myself that I have a choice and I choose to be BETTER OVER BITTER!! Crying has become overrated It makes my eyes puffy And my heart weak Listen to me speak About times of hunger And stories about my yesterday When will my tomorrow get better? When will this pain melt away? Restrictions in my lungs “I can't breathe” So I scream I fight I write with this pen And hope that someone will read these words And let go with me Finding freedom together Just breathe Relax Bathe me in oil Anoint me anew Make me strong Make me bold Make me ready Make me free Free from the pain. Dear World, |
February 2025
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