Winning from within...Are you ready to discover the magic that lives inside of you? What comes to your heart and mind when you think about winning from within? Create a list. A greater sense of self...This winter break, I took some time to reflect on the essence of my life and I realized that I have the power within me to win. However, this power will remain inside of me until I tap into it and embrace all that is within me. Knowing who I am and who I was created to be is key and I needed to take some time out to reconnect with that woman who I see every time I look into the mirror. Your identity is a guide to your destiny and it will expose the areas of your life that you need to release and embrace. Self WorkWhen was the last time you took a personal assessment of who you are?
How's your mind doing today? Remember, what you think, you will become. Assess the thoughts of your mind and identify what you need to nurture and what you need to uproot. What brings your heart joy? When you think about the work you are currently doing, what emotions are you filled with? Are you satisfied with your work? Are you ready to discover the best version of yourself? Create a note to yourself that you can post as a reminder of your commitment to the creation of a better you!
2/11/2018 0 Comments It's Time For An UpgradeQuestions of the day1. What comes to your heart and your mind when you think about upgrading your life? Create a list. 2. What areas of your life do you need to upgrade right now? Are you willing to do it? Self WorkTop Priority Message:
The Future Is Yours Creating a Blueprint for your upgrade: "What do I want to accomplish for 2018? What support do I need? What can I do for myself?" Timeframe for execution. |
October 2024
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