1/9/2023 3 Comments The Pursuit of MeaningDeepassionate1 SpeaksThe Pursuit of Meaning! Where do we begin when a more profound desire for meaning replaces our pursuit of happiness? We start with a clean slate; fortunately, 2023 has given us just that! Entering into 2023 with a strategic focus moves us from the thought of starting over again to being in the center of our lives, where we can find purpose and conviction for the year ahead. Shifting from happiness to meaning Unlike pursuing happiness, searching for meaning requires you to set a goal that will cause you to leave your comfort zone and go where you have never been before. There is also more significant expansion, expression, and soul development here; the essential part is that the shift begins in you. This shift in pursuit comes with a price you must be willing to pay. Pay up! There is no allowance for ignorance while pursuing meaning, and you must study. Your thought process must meet and align with your action plan. You have to become strategically focused because your energy flows where your focus goes, and manifestation doesn't happen with your thoughts alone. Taking action There are many types of goals that people work on executing, but there is one in particular that I want us to focus on while pursuing meaning. The kind of goal I am discussing is a Type C goal; these are the ones you want to accomplish but don't need to know how. Getting on the right frequency Need some help getting back on the right frequency? Get your Writer's Notebook and pen, take time to reflect, and then put in the work. Dear You, You are great, and you need to acknowledge that. Create a list of your Signature Strengths; these are the things you are great at doing. Be Grateful The gratitude visit Stop # 1 Write a letter to someone you are thankful for and then share it with them. Stop # 2 Create a list of things and people you are thankful for at the end of your week and reread it to yourself at the start of the following week. Is your spirit measuring up? Set aside time to be quiet and check in with your spirit. Turn off your phone and use this time of peace for prayer, reflection, and realignment with your purpose. Getting out of excuse mode Take the but out & add "and" & "so" I want to exercise more, but I don't have much time. I want to exercise more, and I don't have much time, so I will walk around the block after eating lunch every day. Questions worth answering
January 2025
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