3/17/2022 2 Comments Are you anxious for nothing?Deepassionate1 Speaks
Are you still living on the run? Envisioning yourself somewhere else without a list of things that needs to be done? Are you looking for a moment where you can be alone? Are you sending your loved ones to voicemail whenever their names pop on your phone? There are many people like you who sometimes feel weighed down by life; having hangovers from emails notifications, social media and the daily strife of life . Soooooooo. How can you stop running? YOU CAN'T!!! Confused? I was too, until God revealed to me that I didn't have to stop running, I had to stop running by myself. We are to run with perseverance the race marked out for us, but we can't run the marathon without our life coach. Who is our life coach? I'm so glad you asked. Jesus Christ is our life coach and running with him is better than traveling in an Uber. His GPS (God Positioning System) is connected directly to THE SOURCE and is powered by the Holy Spirit. You will NEVER get lost and you will arrive at your destination at God's appointed time! Questions worth answeringWho are you running with? Are you powered by the Holy Spirit? How are you training for the marathon of your life? Dee's Prescription"If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to smile about, then I don’t know what is." Chad Sugg
February 2025
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