12/22/2024 0 Comments Auditing Relationships for 2025I don’t usually reflect on my relationships at the end of the year, but after the year I’ve had, I realize it’s necessary. In 2025 and beyond, I’m choosing to be strategically focused and intentional about how I pour my time, energy, and attention (T.E.A.). This process isn’t about judging others but about stewarding my resources wisely. God revealed to me three types of people I’ll encounter in this new season, and understanding their roles will help me grow, set boundaries, and align with His purpose.
12/10/2024 0 Comments The day of perfect completion 12-10-24Starting from scratch, drawing from a place of no lack, only discovery of the man and woman God created us to be.
We can't pick up where we left off because that space no longer holds us. There is more for us; there is surplus in our promised land together, but we must seek the creator together. He knows the way because He is the way! 11/21/2024 0 Comments The Gift of WritingDear Abba,
Thank you for my gift of writing. I don't know what I would do without it. I am writing to You today on behalf of me, myself, and I. We are exhausted, and we are trying our best not to crumble under the constant pressure that's hitting our lives. We need You, oh God. We need to hear Your voice clearly convicting us, saying, "This is the way to go." I too feel like Serenity, that every knock is going unanswered. This life lesson is hard, and I am weary. I am holding on to the belief that our inheritance is on the way. Abba, we can't move if You don't go before us and shine Your light on the path. Please don't let the darkness or the heaviness of this season cripple us. We belong to You and want to thrive, not merely survive. Forgive us of our sins so we can be ushered into Your presence and handled with Your care. We need You. Please don't crush our hope. In Jesus' name, we pray. God has been quiet for the past few days while life has gotten louder and bolder. I was diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis yesterday, but I reject that diagnosis in the name of Jesus. As I prepare my mind, body, and soul to begin my preventive care, I have to call God's attention to His word. After looking CS up, I read that it is something that attacks the body of people over the age of 60. I'm only 45, and my God has the power to give dry bones life; Ezekiel 37:1-10 He asked me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" I said, "Sovereign Lord, you alone know." Then he said to me, "Prophesy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I believe God can breathe life back into my cervical discs and grant me complete healing. I believe that his miracle-releasing hands can make my body a target for supernatural healing and that my body will respond to new life In Jesus' name. There is a lot of work to be done on this earth, and I need my mind, body, and soul to align with God's will entirely. Inshallah. Not my will, but God's will be done!
9/22/2024 0 Comments Dear Dee,Dear Dee,
I see your heart, hopes, and the moments when you wonder what comes next. The future may seem like a canvas cloaked in mist, with the brushstrokes of your dreams and desires yet to take form. But trust this: I am the Master Artist, and nothing escapes My hand. Every color, every shade, every intricate detail of your life is known to Me. You don’t need to see the entire picture to know that it is good. You long for glimpses of what’s ahead, for the next chapter of your journey to unfold. But, My daughter, I ask you to rest in this truth: I hold your story in My hands. I need no spoilers to sustain you, no early reveals to prove My love. The path I’ve written for you – twists, turns, highs, and lows – is not random. It all works together in a symphony of purpose, a masterpiece of My making. You are not walking blindly but in faith, and I will never lead you astray. Look to Romans. I have promised that all things – not just the easy, the joyful, or the simple – but all things work together for your good. You are never alone on this journey, and your story is secure. The ending is not just happy; it is glorious, beyond anything you could imagine. So, release your craving for the next scene, the next page. Trust in My timing and savor the present. I have you exactly where you need to be. There is beauty in the now, and contentment is found in knowing that I, your Divine Playwright, am crafting something extraordinary. Every season, every chapter, even those moments when the light seems dim – they all serve a purpose. I will never fail you. Stay rooted in Me, for I am your strength, your guide, and your source of everlasting joy. The story I’ve written for you is filled with beauty, grace, and love. Trust in this process, for it will end in glory. With all My love, Your Father, God 9/9/2024 0 Comments Dear Abba,Monday, September 9, 2024
11:35 PM Harlem, Bedroom Restless Honest thoughts Dear Abba, I hate the way he makes me feel. I'm always in defense mode not sure where the attacks will be launched from, but know that they all land in my heart. I feel the tension and the need to protect myself. You said if my right arm offends me, I should cut it off. How does that apply to this pain point in my life. Please speak boldly and quickly to my heart because I am desperate!!! -Your child, Dee 9/9/2024 0 Comments A prayer for today
9/1/2024 0 Comments Dear Abba,Please take away this sadness that I feel. I want to embody your J.O.Y.! I want to be Joyful, Overflowing, & Yielding my best daily!
Please help me to get My S.H.I.T. Together. (Strength, Hope, Intentions & Tenacity) Love, Dee |
It's my Time! It's my turn! Fire & Overflow!!!2024 is my season of revelation, healing, blessings and manifestations. I am going to document my journey here! Archives
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